
Germanium Telluride

µr [u] Y01 [MHz] Y11 [MHz] Y21 [MHz] Y02 [MHz] Ref.
70Ge124Te 44.698 6676 2064.5701(18) -5.5946(16) -1.67(30) -0.392(36)   a
70Ge125Te 44.828 3512 2058.5975(18) -5.5704(16) -1.66(30) -0.390(37)
70Ge126Te 44.956 3608 2052.7358(18) -5.5466(15) -1.65(30) -0.388(36
70Ge128Te 45.208 9259 2041.2680(18) -5.5002(16) -1.63(30) -0.383(37)
70Ge130Te 45.456 5067 2030.1501(18) -5.4553(15) -1.61(30) -0.379(38)
72Ge124Te 45.506 7166 2027.9100(18) -5.4463(15) -1.61(30) -0.378(36)
72Ge125Te 45.641 1383 2021.9375(18) -5.4222(15) -1.60(30) -0.376(36)
72Ge126Te 45.773 8388 2016.0758(17) -5.3987(15) -1.59(30) -0.374(35)
72Ge128Te 46.035 6994 2004.6080(17) -5.3527(15) -1.57(30) -0.370(35)
72Ge130Te 46.292 4441 1993.4901(15) -5.3082(12) -1.55(27) -0.366(33)
73Ge128Te 46.443 9195 1986.9884(15) -5.2823(12) -1.54(27) -0.363(33)
73Ge130Te 46.705 2507 1975.8705(15) -5.2380(12) -1.53(30) -0.359(35)
74Ge122Te 46.016 8646 2005.4285(17) -5.3559(14) -1.57(30) -0.370(35)
74Ge124Te 46.298 9450 1993.2103(15) -5.3071(13) -1.55(27) -0.366(35)
74Ge125Te 46.438 0950 1987.2377(15) -5.2832(12) -1.54(27) -0.363(33)
74Ge126Te 46.575 4772 1981.3760(15) -5.2599(12) -1.53(27) -0.361(33)
74Ge128Te 46.846 6172 1969.9082(15) -5.2143(12) -1.52(27) -0.357(33)
74Ge130Te 47.112 5128 1958.7903(15) -5.1702(12) -1.50(27) -0.353(33) 67031 b
76Ge126Te 47.361 6716 1948.4855(15) -5.1295(12) -1.48(29) -0.349(33)  a
76Ge128Te 47.642 0702 1937.0177(15) -5.0842(12) -1.47(27) -0.345(33)
76Ge130Te 47.917 0987 1925.8998(15) -5.0405(12) -1.45(27) -0.341(33)
Dipole Moment (74Ge130Te)
µ0 [C · m]
   3.54(23) x 10-30
     µ0[D]   1.06(7)   [70014]
Hyperfine Structure (73Ge130Te)
 eQq0(Ge)[MHz]   153.1(30)   [71013] 
re [10-10 m] (74Ge130Te)
 2.340 165(12)
a Calculated from the 74Ge130Te values via the isotopic relations.
b Determined in [67031] from a fit to the measurements on all isotopic species through the use of the isotopic relations.

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