CaCl Spectral Data Options
The following information may be useful in choosing which isotopes to search.
Isotope |
Relative Atomic Mass |
Isotopic Composition |
Standard Atomic Weight |
Notes |
17 |
Cl |
35 |
34.968 852 682(37) |
0.7576(10) |
[35.446, 35.457] |
m |
37 |
36.965 902 602(55) |
0.2424(10) |
20 |
Ca |
40 |
39.962 590 863(22) |
0.969 41(156) |
40.078(4) |
g |
42 |
41.958 617 83(16) |
0.006 47(23) |
43 |
42.958 766 44(24) |
0.001 35(10) |
44 |
43.955 481 56(35) |
0.020 86(110) |
46 |
45.953 6890(24) |
0.000 04(3) |
48 |
47.952 522 76(13) |
0.001 87(21) |