SO Spectral Data Options
The following information may be useful in choosing which isotopes to search.
Isotope |
Relative Atomic Mass |
Isotopic Composition |
Standard Atomic Weight |
Notes |
8 |
O |
16 |
15.994 914 619 57(17) |
0.997 57(16) |
[15.999 03, 15.999 77] |
17 |
16.999 131 756 50(69) |
0.000 38(1) |
18 |
17.999 159 612 86(76) |
0.002 05(14) |
16 |
S |
32 |
31.972 071 1744(14) |
0.9499(26) |
[32.059, 32.076] |
33 |
32.971 458 9098(15) |
0.0075(2) |
34 |
33.967 867 004(47) |
0.0425(24) |
36 |
35.967 080 71(20) |
0.0001(1) |