CaF Spectral Data Options


Display the following isotopes:

Formula   (# of lines)
40Ca19F 2Σ1/2    (94)
Total:      (94)

Frequency Range:
to MHz

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The following information may be useful
in choosing which isotopes to search.

 Isotope   Relative
Atomic Mass
Atomic Weight
9 F 19   18.998 403 162 73(92)   1    18.998 403 163(6)  

20 Ca 40   39.962 590 863(22)   0.969 41(156)    40.078(4) g
42   41.958 617 83(16)   0.006 47(23)
43   42.958 766 44(24)   0.001 35(10)
44   43.955 481 56(35)   0.020 86(110)
46   45.953 6890(24)   0.000 04(3)
48   47.952 522 76(13)   0.001 87(21)

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Constants Data for CaF
References for CaF